Reiki I: To develop your senses and use your strengths to work with this healing energy. An attunement will be carried out to connect you with the Reiki energy allowing you to you to work with family, friends and animals. 

Cost £125.00                                     Date of workshop  24 August 2024  

                                                                                                         14 September 2024

 Reiki II: This level will further enhance the development of Reiki I and on completion of some homeworking you will, if you wish, be able to obtain personal indemnity insurance allowing you to practice Reiki professionally.

Cost £175.00                                     Date of workshop 25 August 2024

                                                                                                          15 September 2024

 £50 discount applied if both workshops taken together.

Reiki Refresher: This workshop focusses on revisiting your technique, building self-confidence and preparing you to develop/enhance your practice. This workshop is only for our students trained by us.

                     Cost £85.00           Date of workshop TBC 

Reiki Master:  A 1.5 day workshop enhancing your abilities in delivering treatments, introducing you to new techniques and attuning you to the Master symbol.
Cost £190.00                   Date of workshop  5/6 July 2024

Reiki Teacher: This workshop attunes you into the Teacher level after which, you will be able to attune others into the
Reiki  energy and run your own workshops.

Cost £250.00          Date of workshop TBC 

Introduction to Shamanism & Divination: Shamanism is the oldest form of personal development. It contains eternal principles, which allows you to connect with nature and other dimensions of our being.

Cost £70.00          Dates of workshops  14 July 2024, 11 August 2024 

Energy Healing: Exploring different techniques including mind medicine, spiritual healing, kinesiology and shamanic practices. Participants will be taught a healing model, which can be used as a stand alone technique or in conjunction with other therapies.

Cost £190.00           Date of workshop TBC 

Accessing Akashic Records 1: An  An experiential workshop connecting with the Masters who maintain the library of the Akashic Records. The library holds the records of every Soul created and contains all information about your past, present and future.   

Cost £110          Date of workshop TBC  

Accessing Akashic Records 2: An experiential workshop, which prepares you to access the Records on behalf of others. By the end of the day you will be able to carry out an Akashic Record reading.

Cost £120.00          Date of workshop TBC 

£40 discount applied if both workshops taken together.  

NEW Kinescha Therapy: This is a combination therapy devised by Madge & Danny using Kinesiology techniques and Chakra Balancing with the view to re-aligning the structure of the body and balancing the flow of the energy and chakra systems. Professional indemnity insurance is available from Howden’s

Cost £245.00           Date of workshop TBC 

Spiritual development:  An experiential two day workshop exploring various psychic and spiritual phenomena including Mediumship, Psychometry, Transfiguration & Astral Travelling. If you think this workshop is for you then you are probably right! This workshop can also be delivered over 6 evenings on a weekly basis. 

Cost £210.00          Dates of workshops  26/27 October 2024, 23/24 November 2024